Local countryside conservation
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Cam Valley Forum
Protecting the environment of the River Cam and its tributaries.
Cambridge Commons & Public Spaces
Descriptions and histories of Cambridge open areas.
Cambridge Conservation Volunteers
Providing practical help to nature reserves in and around Cambridge.
Cambridge Natural History Society
Zoology, botany, ecology, entomology, palaeontology & conservation.
Cambridge Nature Network
Helping Nature's recovery around Cambridge for wildlife and people in Cambridge.
Cambridgeshire Geological Society
Promotes interest in the geology of Cambridgeshire.
Conservation Work Parties
Volunteer conservation groups in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire, including Cambridge.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough environmental records centre.
Ely Wildspace
Local capaigners for the protection of rural Ely.
Friends of Cherry Hinton Brook
Cherry Hinton Brook flows through the eastern suburbs of the City of Cambridge, UK.
Friends of Cherry Hinton Hall
Concerned about the usage, environment, welfare and future of the Cherry Hinton Hall grounds for the benefit of those who use it.
Friends of Logans Meadow
Working to enhance Logan's Meadow Nature Reserve in Cambridge.
Friends of Midsummer Common
Making representations to the appropriate authorities in order to encourage the good management of Midsummer Common.
Friends of Mill Road Cemetery
Group looking after old cemetery between Mill Rd & Norfolk St.
Friends of Stourbridge Common
Protecting and enhancing the biodiversity of Stourbridge Common as well as ensuring it is a safe, enjoyable place to visit for all users.
Friends of St Matthews Piece
Between Sturton Street and York Street.
Friends of the Cam
Cambridge based campaigning group committed to restoring the health of the river Cam and its tributaries for the benefit of nature.
Great Fen
The Great Fen Project will create a 3,700 hectare wetland between Huntingdon and Peterborough.
Jesus Green Association
Independent group dedicated to protecting the interests of Jesus Green, one of the most popular and best-loved open spaces in Cambridge.
Local wildlife
Animals, birds and insects that can be found locally.
Mill Road Cemetery
Between Mill Road and Norfolk Street. Green space, artwork, etc.
On the Verge Cambridge
Promotes the growing of nectar-rich wildflowers around the city.
Therfield Heath
Hilly common near Royston.
Trumpington Community Orchard Project
A community orchard in Trumpington with nineteen Cambridgeshire Heritage apple trees and two plums.
Wicken Fen
A remnant of the once massive Cambridgeshire Fens, with its wildlife.
Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and Peterborough
Working for the conservation of wildlife and wild spaces.

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Bin Collection
What will be collected from your door, and in what container.
Cambridge Computers Recycling
Recycling unwanted computers. In Newmarket Road.
Circular Cambridge
Celebrates progressive ways to design, manufacture, access, repair and reuse the things that we want and need in our lives.
Exchange Schemes
Exchange skills, swap things or find homes for unwanted goods.
Pure Planet Recycling
Electrical waste recycling services covering the Cambridgeshire region.
Reboot Cambridge CIC
Local not for profit computer recycling.
Recycling in Cambridge and Peterborough.
Recycle More
One-stop recycling information centre.
Recycling in Cambridge
Shows which recycling centre recycles what.
Repair cafes in Cambridgeshire
Repair Cafes are community events that match people who need stuff fixed with people who like fixing things.
Cambridge City Council working to improve the environment and promote more sustainable lifestyles.

Local transport
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Cambridge Transport
Cycling, walking and public transport, including Park and Ride.
Travelling to Addenbrookes Hospital
Parking at Addenbrookes is limited, so here are other ways to get there.
Wellsolved Property Maintenance
Modern, environmentally-aware, property maintenance / handyman service, travelling by bike, based in Cambridge UK.

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Cambridge Conservation Volunteers
Spend a day in beautiful countryside improving your environment!
Cambridge National Trust Volunteers
Volunteer group doing outdoor conservation work at local NT properties.
Volunteering opportunities in Wildlife Trust
Volunteering for different activities: Conservation, Office-based work, Working with people.

Energy and water
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Anglian Water
Located in the east of England. With tips for saving water.
Bathing Water Profile for Sheep's Green, River Cam
Sheep's Green has Designated Bathing Water status.
Cambridge Water
Local water company. Includes tips to save water.
Midsummer Energy
Solar panels, wind turbines and other components of renewable energy systems.
Water Sensitive Cambridge
Initiating projects that will have an impact on the water cycle in Cambridge, using nature based solutions to restore the natural water cycle .

Other local websites
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Cambridge Carbon Footprint
Helping people to reduce their carbon footprint. Includes promoting eating local, seasonal food from sustainable sources.
Cambridge Conservation Forum
Fostering contacts between people in different conservation organisations in Cambridge.
Cambridge Parks and Gardens
Open spaces in or near Cambridge.
Cambridge Sustainable Food
Working for a different, fairer and more sustainable food culture.
Pollution - Air Quality Data
Current levels of various air pollutants at sites round Cambridge.
United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Based in Cambridge.